Thursday, June 4, 2015

A. Given an arbitrary tree, can you print it level by level (with each level
printed on the same line).Define your own tree node structure, can be 
binary tree or n-ary tree.

B. Given a set of distinct integers, can you print out all subsets?

Round 2:

A. Remove duplicated integers in an array, and then return an array without 
duplicates. Follow up: what if allow duplicates at most twice? 
i.e., [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2] --> [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]

B. Given a string and a dictionary that maps a character to several 
characters, print all combination and tell the complexity. 
i.e., string = "face", f=> f, @, 4, h     a=> a, c, e
print: face, @ace, 4ace, .....



现在Facebook还要来一次phone interview,说是最后一次了,晕死,本来就很紧张,还要来一轮,刺激死了。敢情是回答的太快,代码是抄的,我的理解了....


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